Дембіцька, С. В.Кобилянський, О. В.2021-06-222021-06-222018Дембіцька С. В. Структура педагогічної культури фахівців машинобудівних спеціальностей / С. В. Дембіцька, О. В. Кобилянський // Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогіка і психологія : зб. наук. праць / Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. – Вінниця, 2018. – Вип. 55. – С. 73-77.УДК 378.01https://library.vspu.net/items/2c0831e1-2043-49c5-b647-fb868e303e73Педагогіка. Професійна педагогікаВ статті розглядаються особливості формування педагогічної культури фахівців машинобудівних спеціальностей. Визначено структуру педагогічної культури, як сукупність когнітивного, мотиваційного, технологічного, рефлексивного та креативного компонентів. Вивчаються умови розвитку зазначених компонентів з метою формування педагогічної культури фахівців машинобудівної галузі як інтегративного утворення особистості.The problem of forming a pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties is due to the fact that the presence of high professional qualifications as a technical scientist does not guarantee the latter's ability to conduct pedagogical activities and the ability to transfer knowledge to students and subordinates. The article deals with the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem of research and determines that the pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties is a system integrative formation of the personality of a specialist in the machine-building industry as a subject of pedagogical activity, a dynamic system of cognitive, motivational, technological, reflexive and creative components, which is a prerequisite for effective pedagogical activity, as well as an indicator of professional competence. We also consider pedagogical knowledge and intellectual skills as components of the cognitive component of the pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties; elements – pedagogical facts, concepts, theories, technologies, which involve the processing of their specialist in the machine-building industry. The motivational component of the pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties depends on the ideological position of the individual, which manifests itself in spiritual and social needs, motives of behavior, psychological attitudes, interests, ideals, etc. The peculiarities of the formation of this component are that the motivation for the pedagogical activity of the students of the technical profile must be developed during the study, first of all, within the framework of independent work. Technological component involves the ability to use managerial technologies in the management of educational and cognitive activities of students; adequate understanding of the essence of a particular pedagogical problem (task); Ability to effectively solve managerial problems in a particular situation of professional activity. The development of this component is carried out in the process of practical work through a more detailed mastering and creative application of the achievements of special, psycho-pedagogical, social and humanitarian sciences. Developed reflexive representations and skills make it possible for a specialist to increase the amount of information received and to include in the activity the knowledge that corresponds to its logic; developed reflexive culture of the teacher is important for establishing «subject-subjective» relationships with participants in the educational process. The creative component of the pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties involves transformation of pedagogical activity into innovative pedagogical activity. This component is developing first and foremost in the process of implementing the latest pedagogical technologies, which involves a creative, individual-personal solution to problems in a particular situation. The priority direction of further research is the problem of development of diagnostic tools for determining the level of pedagogical culture of specialists in machine-building specialties and justifying the pedagogical conditions for its development.педагогічна культурафахова підготовкафахівці машинобудівних спеціальностейфахова компетентністьпедагогічна діяльністьpedagogical culturevocational trainingspecialists in machine-building specialtiesprofessional competencepedagogical activityСтруктура педагогічної культури фахівців машинобудівних спеціальностейStructure of pedagogical culture of specialists of machine-building specialitiesArticle