Анікіна, ІнессаМельник, Тетяна2024-02-252024-02-25202316.Анікіна І., Мельник Т.Субжанри сучасної німецької та англійської прози // KELM (Knowledge, Education, Law, Management). № 3 (55). 2023 рік. С.52-57https://library.vspu.net/items/1f5234b6-35c1-4afc-bbe9-14b6b0c825bfThe article attempts to classify the subgenres of contemporary German and English prose and provides their characteristics. It is noted that modern literary genres are a contamination of traditional genres and subgenres. In addition to general scientific research methods, the article uses the method of comparative analysis of the genre specificity of German and English prose. A comparative analysis of the modern subgenres of German and English prose has shown that they are identical, with most subgenres in German literature denoted by English terms. The authors of the article have established that the diversity of modern literary subgenres has become a problem for readers due to the discrepancy between the genre designation and the content of the work. It is proved that a characteristic feature of the literary process is genre instability, the crisis of traditional ideas and the transformation of almost all genre models.otherhybrid genregenregenre contaminationliterary formatssubgenrecontemporary proseгібридний жанржанржанрова контамінаціялітературні форматисубжанрсучасна прозаСубжанри сучасної німецької та англійської прозиSUBGENRES OF CONTEMPORARY GERMAN AND ENGLISH PROSEArticle