Now showing items 1-20 of 29

      Authors Name
      Talalayeva, O. S. [1]
      Talalayeva, O.S. [1]
      Tanasienko, O. I. [1]
      Tanasiienko, O. I. [1]
      Tereshchenko, O. V. [1]
      The article shows that due to the global warming average annual air temperature in Vinnitsia region arose from 7,5 to 8° for the last 25 years. It became 2° warmer in January and 1,2° in march, the temperature became higher in 1,3° in june and 0,9° in august. There were no significant changes in the amount of precipitations (with the mean yearly rainfall 440-590 mm) on the territory of Vinnitsia region. As a result, it has led to moisture of plants and soil decrease, soil and physiological process irregulation, and, what’s more, it has influenced the agricultural production negatively. The research is relevant due to the identification of climate changes in the region to predict its tendency and influence on the soil in order to avoid the process of humification caused by warming. The aim of the article is to characterize the current state of the soil in Vinnitsia region and to predict its changes under the influence of warming and moisture decrease. The research was conducted with the help of system analysis, logical generalization and forecasting. It was determined that climate warming can activate soil humification process and disturb microbiological processes, decrease the capacity of nutrients of plants, deteriorate absorbing capacity and other features. In recent years the soil of Vinnitsia region is losing 0,36-0,53 tons of humus per hectare and its capacity reduced from 2,81 to 2,77% in the period of 1996-2013, and the negative balance of nitrogen reached the point of 47,3 kilograms per hectare, phosphorus is at the point of 29,4 kilograms per hectare and potassium is 95,3 kilograms per hectare. The article shows that in order to predict progressing destructive soil changes in the region there is a necessity to introduce a wide usage of water saving methods of soil cultivation, outlinear-meliorative organization of the territory, increase the crops of permanent grasses, winter and spring cereal crops and the crops with essentially lower index of transpiration. [1]
      The effect of the preparation of hetero-auxin on the germination energy and growth indicators of wheat seeds were studied and analyzed. It has been established that the treatment of wheat seeds of the Mironovskaya cultivar 65 with the auxin action stripping drug led to an increase in germination energy, growth and redistribution of the dry matter weight of the seedlings. [1]
      The influence of gibberellin and retardants on the accumulation and redistribution of the main elements of mineral nutrition in the vegetative organs and fruits of gooseberry plants of the variety Mashenka in connection with crop productivity has been studied. It was found that under the action of drugs there was a more intensive accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the vegetative organs of gooseberries in the flowering phase, followed by the use of these elements for the needs of carpogenesis [1]
      The peculiarities of growth processes, leaves formation, their mesostructure, photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, as well as productivity of sweet pepper plants under the impact of synthetic analogues of growth stimulant hormones, and retardants, which differ in mechanisms of action, were studied. It was shown that treatment with growth stimulants increased, and gibberellin inhibitors — decreased the linear size of sweet pepper plants Antey variety. It was found that 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP), gibberellic acid (GA3) and tebuconazole (EW-250) increased the number of leaves on the plant, while under the treatment by ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, 2-CEPA) and chloromequate chloride (ССС-750) this index was lower than the control, and the action of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (1-NAA) did not change it. All growth stimulants, and retardants EW-250 and CCC-750 increased the leaves, stems and roots fresh weight, as well as the dry mass of the whole plant, while the treatment with 2-CEPA reduced them. All growth regulators (except 2-CEPA) increased the average leaf area and the total leaf area on the plant during the fruit formation stage. Gibberellin inhibitors and 6-BAP significantly increased the amount of chlorophyll in pepper leaves. Under the action of GA3 this index decreased, and the treatment by 1-NAA did not significantly change it. 2-CEPA, EW-250, CCC-750, and 6-BAP thickened the pepper leaves chlorenchyma. Under the action of all growth substances (except 1-NAA) the columnar parenchyma cells volume increased, and under the influence of GA3, 6-BAP and EW-250, the spongy parenchyma cells size increased also. Growth promotors 1-NAA and GA3, and retardants EW-250 and CCC-750 significantly reduced the number of stomatal cells on leaf surface, and treatment by 6-BAP and 2-CEPA showed a tendency to reduce them. Photosynthesis, photo- and dark respiration rates showed a steady tendency to increase under the action of growth substances (except GA3), while transpiration, on the contrary — to decrease. In general, treatment with growth substances (except 2-CEPA) intensified the flowering of plants and increased their economic productivity. The use of 6-BAP and EW-250 was the most effective. [1]
      Tiutiunnyk, Yu. H. [1]
      Tkachuk, K.A. [1]
      Tkachuk, O [1]
      Tkachuk, O. [3]
      Tkachuk, O. A. [2]
      Tkachuk, O. O [2]
      Tkachuk, O. O. [19]
      Tkachuk, O. А. [2]
      Tkachuk, O. О. [1]
      Tkachuk, O.O. [7]
      Tkachuk, O.О. [1]