Now showing items 5942-5961 of 18816

      Authors Name
      The article is devoted to questions of the psychology of creativity, namely, the influence of applied creativity on the process of harmonization of personality. The emphasis is put on the connection of arts and crafts with the traditions of the people. Consideration is also given to the therapeutic possibilities of applied art and its impact on the development of the child. The main attention is paid to the process of harmonization of the personality in combination with psychological and mental health. [1]
      The article is devoted to the comparative research in the sphere of literature and cinematography. The question of the proximity between the film adaption and literary work, which it is based on, is considered. There is an attempt of comparative analysis of R.Bradbury’s novel «Fahrenheit 451» and its film adaption of 2018. The visual means of implementing the author's concept in the film are analyzed. The plot, figurative system and ideological orientation of the literary work and its film version are subjected to comparison. Conclusions are drawn about a significant departure in the film from the literary source, which contributed to the weakening of the problem. [1]
      The article is devoted to the problem of upbringing in the works of foreign literature of the 50s-60s of the 20th century and the role of artistic works in the formation of personality. The object of the study is the works "Lord of the Flies" by W. Golding, "The Collector" by J. Fowles, "Hello, Sadness" by F. Sagan and "The Catcher in the Rye" by J. D. Salinger, whose characters, children, teenagers or young people, are in the process of becoming a person. The influence of the family and the environment on the process of upbringing is traced. Various aspects of this problem, emphasized by the authors of the works, and the views of writers on the ways to solve it are analyzed. [1]
      The article is devoted to the topical issue of developing the creative potential of future primary school teachers in the course of professional training in the context of European integration. Modern challenges, the new social order of society for the education of Generation “Z and Alpha” lead to a rethinking of the training of future teachers in higher education. Such students need a creative and innovative teacher who can create for them an individual trajectory of personal growth. The essence of the concept of “creative competence”, which is an integrative education, the ability to implement professional tasks at the creative level, is analyzed. In the context of formation of creative competence the development of creative abilities of students, their divergent thinking, pedagogical intuition, ability to solve pedagogical situations out of the ordinary and quickly, tendency to pedagogical improvisation plays an important role. Creative competence of future primary school teachers is acquired at all stages of the educational process in higher education. The methodical features of the formation of such competence during the study of professional disciplines (“Theory and methods of education”, “History of pedagogy”, “Education and upbringing of a gifted child”), the use of different types of creative tasks, innovative forms and methods of teaching are presented. The development of creative competence of students is provided in the extracurricular creative work of the institution of higher education. The potential and possibilities of using the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module project (620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO) on the formation of components of creative competent students are presented. While teaching the course “Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of European experience in the formation of soft skills of preschool and primary school children through theatrical activities” students perform creative tasks aimed at preparing for the organization of children's theatrical activities. [1]
      The article proposes the definition of the term «gender indicators». The possibilities of using indicators for the evaluation of educational programs aimed at achieving gender equality are analyzed. The proposed indicators allow us to identify and prevent those approaches that polarize the differences between the sexes and lead to gender imbalance and discrimination in the future [1]
      The article reveals the problems and prospects of introductioning of information in teaching of natural sciences. [1]
      The article shows that due to the global warming average annual air temperature in Vinnitsia region arose from 7,5 to 8° for the last 25 years. It became 2° warmer in January and 1,2° in march, the temperature became higher in 1,3° in june and 0,9° in august. There were no significant changes in the amount of precipitations (with the mean yearly rainfall 440-590 mm) on the territory of Vinnitsia region. As a result, it has led to moisture of plants and soil decrease, soil and physiological process irregulation, and, what’s more, it has influenced the agricultural production negatively. The research is relevant due to the identification of climate changes in the region to predict its tendency and influence on the soil in order to avoid the process of humification caused by warming. The aim of the article is to characterize the current state of the soil in Vinnitsia region and to predict its changes under the influence of warming and moisture decrease. The research was conducted with the help of system analysis, logical generalization and forecasting. It was determined that climate warming can activate soil humification process and disturb microbiological processes, decrease the capacity of nutrients of plants, deteriorate absorbing capacity and other features. In recent years the soil of Vinnitsia region is losing 0,36-0,53 tons of humus per hectare and its capacity reduced from 2,81 to 2,77% in the period of 1996-2013, and the negative balance of nitrogen reached the point of 47,3 kilograms per hectare, phosphorus is at the point of 29,4 kilograms per hectare and potassium is 95,3 kilograms per hectare. The article shows that in order to predict progressing destructive soil changes in the region there is a necessity to introduce a wide usage of water saving methods of soil cultivation, outlinear-meliorative organization of the territory, increase the crops of permanent grasses, winter and spring cereal crops and the crops with essentially lower index of transpiration. [1]
      The article substantiates the model of a digital portfolio of scientific (scientific and pedagogical) workers carrying out case studies. The main characteristics of the digital portfolio have been clarified, and its tasks have been generalized (monitoring of professional activities; systematization of materials and developments; demonstration of one's own achievements (if necessary), creation of scientific and methodological support for educational purposes; accumulation of scientific research results). Approaches to determining the main components of a digital portfolio are analyzed, and it is found that the most common free resources are used to create a digital portfolio, in particular, Google Site, Blogger, YouTube (video portfolio), PowerPoint. However, the digital transformation of science requires new, effective solutions, one of which was proposed by the authors of the article - this is the introduction of electronic document management and the formation of a professional digital portfolio of a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker in it. By the digital portfolio of a researcher, the authors mean an online resource that is formed from the data of the electronic document flow of a scientific institution and demonstrates generalized information about the scientific and methodological and practical personal achievements of a scientific (scientific and pedagogical) worker, as well as the results of monitoring his professional growth. Digital portfolio design is based on the principles of academic integrity, responsibility, informatization of research activities, lifelong learning, information security. Additional information of the digital portfolio includes the following sections: list of publications, collections, expertise, peer review, data on project activities, organization and participation in events, guidance or advice to PhD applicants, Doctor of Science; activity in relation to providing answers to administrative documents, monitoring and evaluation of scientific activity, personal development. Further research requires the development of criteria for an expert assessment of a digital portfolio. [1]
      The development of local strategies and program documents should be implemented in compliance with such principles as objectivity, reasonableness and expediency, coordination, openness and transparency, parity, non-discrimination and equal access, efficiency, historical continuity, sustainable development. [1]
      The development of nation-building is based on the existence of a fundamental document - a guide to the country - the constitution. The development of basic provisions, their implementation in public life, the formation of civil society becomes the key to effective governance and public relations. That is why a new field of knowledge is gaining strategic importance - public administration, which is a complex system that has its own organizational structure, organizational rules and guidelines for rational application. [1]
      The educational and methodical manual includes seven sections, which consider: the main historical stages of the establishment and development of massage; general anatomical and physiological basis of massage; the influence of massage to the systems of the organism; organizational and hygienic requirements to the massage; systems, types and methods of the massage; technique and methodology of basic and additional massage techniques; methodical recommendations with regard to the use the massages and the general massage; the massage of separate parts of the body and self massage. This manual contains the general blocks and questions for the self-control [1]
      The effect of the preparation of hetero-auxin on the germination energy and growth indicators of wheat seeds were studied and analyzed. It has been established that the treatment of wheat seeds of the Mironovskaya cultivar 65 with the auxin action stripping drug led to an increase in germination energy, growth and redistribution of the dry matter weight of the seedlings. [1]
      The focus of this research is in the area of psychic development of a person. The article deals with the relationship between the categories of creativity and thinking. The authors analyzed a number of related psychological and educational literature on this problem. The analysis of theories that explain the essence of the concepts of «work» and «thinking» since antiquity up to the present has been completed. The prior concepts concerning the researched problem have been outlined and discussed. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that creativity and thinking are inextricably linked. [1]
      The image of a child and childhood holds a special place in English literary tradition. The portrayal of childhood emerges as a generalized concept encompassing the typology of child characters, the world of the child, the child's environment, and the psychological aspects of the child's image. Starting from the 18th century, the depiction of childhood in literature began to intensively evolve, as evidenced by the emergence of numerous child characters in the works of English writers. Among Victorian writers, the child becomes a central figure in the novel, and the portrayal of childhood gains particular significance. Social characteristics are included in the interpretation of the image of childhood, and the depiction of a happy child becomes increasingly rare in the pages of novels. In the 20th century, a new perception of the childhood image takes shape. In the first half of the century, themes of upbringing, coming-of-age, and personality formation, initially introduced by Victorian writers, find reflection in the novels of modernist writers but with more tragic undertones. Children are often depicted as unstable, rebellious individuals, sufferers, victims of disciplinary violence. In the second half of the 20th century, a new image of the child emerges in the pages of novels. Incorporating all the qualities characteristic of the new type of consciousness, it simultaneously reflects the properties of typical Victorian child images [1]
      The influence of gibberellin and retardants on the accumulation and redistribution of the main elements of mineral nutrition in the vegetative organs and fruits of gooseberry plants of the variety Mashenka in connection with crop productivity has been studied. It was found that under the action of drugs there was a more intensive accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the vegetative organs of gooseberries in the flowering phase, followed by the use of these elements for the needs of carpogenesis [1]
      The master's qualification work is dedicated to the analysis of the theme of the «lost generation» in American literature between the two World Wars, with a focus on the novels of Ernest Hemingway, «Fiesta» and F. Scott Fitzgerald, «The Great Gatsby». The paper conducts a detailed analysis of the literature of the United States during the interwar period, examining social changes, cultural transformations, and the emotional atmosphere of that time. Additionally, it provides a definition of the concept of the «lost generation». In the main part of the paper, an analysis of the key features of the «lost generation» literature is conducted, taking into account both commonalities and differences in the works of Hemingway and Fitzgerald. The concluding section of the paper presents a comparative analysis of the characters in both novels in the context of the «lost generation». The research findings contribute to a deeper understanding and interpretation of the theme of the «lost generation» in American literature of the 20th century through the prism of the works of these two outstanding authors. [1]
      The medical sector is one of the life-sustaining spheres of the state, which in modern conditions needs adequate funding and reform. The special responsibility lies with the heads of medical institutions: they are required to have managerial knowledge and skills, social protection of employees, and to ensure sufficient volume and proper quality of medical services. Therefore, the heads of institutions at different levels are working together to find answers to new challenges, sharing experiences, inviting experts in the field of health management, lawyers, economists to discussions. [1]
      The methodical bases of SMART-complex development for training of skilled workers are substantiated (organic combination of hypertext and multimedia educational information; complementarity of real and virtual components of the educational environment; compliance with educational professional standards). There is identified strong (significant expansion of training of skilled workers; small financial investments of vocational education; the possibility of inclusive education, personalized learning; efficiency of accounting and control of training, etc.) and weak (lack of strategy and tactics of SMARTcomplexes in the educational process; insufficient development of information infrastructure in some regions; lack of teacher training system using SMART-complexes; insufficient investment in innovative information technologies, etc.) aspects of development and application of SMART-complex in vocational education. The conceptual model of academic disciplines` SMART-complex as information-dynamic system of electronic educational resource of educational-methodical direction, built on constant development and change of functional connections and relations is developed. SMART-complex of academic disciplines has static, dynamic and environmental components; contains modules: educational content, system of its delivery to users, system of preparation and system of participants’ estimation of educational process. The method of preparing teachers for the development of SMART-complexes for the training of skilled workers in the agricultural, construction and engineering industries is created, covering six stages (organizational and target, content, structural, design, generalizing, procedural). Criteria and indicators for assessing the competence of teachers in the development and use of SMART-complexes are substantiated. [1]
      The mission of the hub is effective interaction for learning and development, updating the content of education and uniting generations. Therefore, the hub is focused on working with different segments of the target audience, namely: research and teaching staff and students of the university, teachers and students of general secondary education, teachers of preschool, out-of-school, art education, the public of Vinnytsia. Given the active use of hybrid and remote forms of events in 2020-2021, we can state that the target audience is not limited to the city of Vinnytsia and includes representatives of all regions of Ukraine. [1]
      The modern child is particularly in need of a sublime perception of the world, searching for oneself and the true meaning of life, mobilizing faith in their possibilities, that is, search activity and life autonomy. The article deals with Ivan Ivanov's methodology of collective creative education of children. The importance of collective creative work in the education of junior pupils is revealed. The relevance of the methodology in the modern comprehensive school of the І-ІІ degree is proved [1]