Now showing items 117-136 of 12627

    • Formation of professional competence of future specialists of preschool and primary education by means of a game 

      Pakhalchuk, N. O.; Пахальчук, Н. О.; Пахальчук, Н. А. (Умань : ФОП Жовтий, 2016)
    • Formation of pupils` sports knowledge in day-care centers 

      Misjura, Alina; Місюра, Аліна; Vrublevskiy, Eugeniy; Врублевський, Євгеній (ТОВ «Планер», 2018)
      The formation of knowledge in the sphere of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle is a topical issue in educational institutions. The knowledge about physical exercises and a healthy lifestyle is an important element ...
    • Formation of teacher's professional competence in the process of heuristic dialogue: theoretical aspect 

      Protsenko, Irina Ivanivna (Вінниця : Друк плюс, 2022)
      In the presented research on the basis of the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological scientific literature the essence of the basic concepts is substantiated: «competence» – possibility of establishment ...
    • Formation of the leadership position of higher education applicants in the context of distance learning 

      Papish, Nataliya; Hura, Tetiana; Kunytsia, Tetiana; Liubchak, Liudmyla; Galyk, Galina (Praha. Česká republika, Nemoros, 2022)
      The problem of leadership is increasingly raised in Ukrainian society. The need for specialists with leadership qualities is becoming increasingly important and obvious. The article reveals the theoretical foundations and ...
    • Fulfillment of educational potential of the lecture in higher educational institutions in the context of professional development of the personality of a future teacher 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Lublin : Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2017)
      On the basis of generalization of recommendations highlighted in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the lecture as a form of students’ training organization and personal experience, various methods of the ...
    • Functions of legal culture of future lawyers 

      Zarichanskiy, O. A; Заричанский, О. А.; Зарічанська, Н. В.; Заричанская, Н. В.; Zarichanskaya, N. V. (Уфа:РИЦ БашГУ, 2015)
      The article deals with the basic functions of legal culture of future law-yers. It’s has been proved that the interaction of legal culture with other forms of social consciousness should be considered as vertically - the ...
    • Functions of legal culture of future lawyers 

      Зарічанська, Н. В.; Заричанская, Н. В.; Zarichanska, N. V. (Уфа: РИЦ Баш ГУ, 2015)
      В статье рассматриваются основные функции правовой культуры будущих юристов. Доказано, что функция взаимодействия правовой культуры с другими формами общественного сознания необходимо рассматривать как по вертикали - ...
    • G suite platform for english teacher training 

      Glazunova, T.; Kuzmina, S. (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2020)
      While working on the G Suite platform the faculty members of the department of foreign languages improve the awareness of technologies and the methodologies of web-based teaching. However, it is never a one-way stream. ...
    • Gamification as an effective means of learning vocabulary at english lessons. 

      Демідова, Є. (2023)
      international competitions and festivals, and for travel. Of course, for this, a child should have a significant vocabulary, so teachers strive to find the most effective methods and exercises ...
    • Gamified English Language Learning in Ukraine: Critical Divide between Tradition and Innovation 

      Olha Matviienko; Svitlana Kuzmina; Zoya Yanishevska; Матвієнко О., Кузьміна С., Янішевська З. (Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 2023)
      The article aims to describe gamification and educational technologies integrated into English teacher education as impactful and novel practices in Ukraine. Therefore the study briefly reviews educational technologies ...
    • Garden-park landscapes and the econetwork system of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. 

      Kravtsova, I.V.; Кравцова, І. В. (2015)
      A Law of Ukraine “About State program of formation national ecological networks of Ukraine on 20002015 years” was accepted in 2000. From this time a great work of the development of ecological network in Ukraine has been ...
    • Gender roles construction in the British press of the XXI century 

      Козачишина, О.Л.; Козачишина, О.Л.; Kozachyshyna, O.L; Федорчук, Н.В.; Федорчук, Н.В.; Fedorchuk, N.V. (Science and Education a new Dimension (Philology)., 2020)
      The article deals with the study of two-component nominal word combinations containing gender markers “woman”, “female”, “lady”, “girl”, “male”, “man”, “boy” in the British newspapers of 2017-2018. The analysis of the ...
    • Globalization and Internationalization in Education: Pros and Cons 

      Кузьміна, С. А.; Кузьмина, С. А.; Kuzmina, Svitlana A.; Глазунова, Т. В.; Glazunova, T. V. (Маріуполь, 2018)
      The article deals with the issues of globalization and internationalization in education, their positive and negative impact. It considers educational integration as a process that provides a great many opportunities for ...
    • GOOGLE DRIVE як невід’ємна частина дистанційного навчання у закладах вищої освіти 

      Хоронжевський, Леонід (Вінниця: ВДПУ, 2021)
      Використання Google Drive у навчальному процесі не тільки сприяє виконанню основного завдання сучасної освіти – формуванню конкурентоспроможної й успішної особистості в електронному інформаційному суспільстві, а й значно ...
    • Google-clasroom як засіб формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутнього вчителя початкової школи 

      Шикиринська, О.В.; Шикиринская, А.В.; Shykyrynska, A.V.; Вишківська, В.Б.; Вишкивская, В.Б.; Vyshkivska, V.B. (ВДПУ, 2020)
      У статті проаналізовано можливості додатку Google-Clasroom у створенні умов формування ІКТ-компетентності майбутнього вчителя початкової школи. Розглянуто принципи ефективного використання розглядуваного додатку у реалізації ...
    • Hackathon technology as an integral part of distance learning in time of war 

      Дуброва, Оксана (Вінниця : Твори, 2023)
      So in time of war or when traditional classroom teaching is not possible, hackathon technology can be used to develop and support remote English language teaching platforms, ensuring access to education even in challenging ...
    • Higher Education in the United States: (навчальний посібник) 

      Громов, Євген Володимирович; Громов, Е. В.; Gromov, Y. V.; Дерезюк, Ірина Володимирівна; Дерезюк, И.В.; Derezjuk, I. V (Вінниця : ВДПУ, 2004)
      The textbook is intended for full-time and part-time pedagogical students and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the «English language program for non-language specialties.»
    • Higher Education in Ukraine: Ensuring the Quality of Education 

      Lazarenko, N. I.; Лазаренко, Н. І.; Лазаренко, Н. И.; Kaplinski, V. V.; Kаplinskiу, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kielce : Holy Cross University, 2016)
      The article introduces ideas on the quality of education in pedagogical universities
    • Higher Education in Ukraine: Ensuring the Quality of Education 

      Kаplinski, V. V.; Lazarenko, N. I.; Лазаренко, Н. І.; Лазаренко, Н. И.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Kielce : Holy Cross University, 2016)
      Стаття знайомить з ідеями щодо забезпечення якості освіти в педагогічних університетах
    • How to Provide Efficiency of Self-Education 

      Kaplinskyi, V. V.; Kaplinskіy, V. V.; Каплінський, В. В.; Каплинский, В. В. (Warszawa, Poland, 2017)
      The article deals with the purpose-oriented and organizational stages of self-education and its favorable conditions